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Showing posts from 2009

Obama is the richest man in the world

I hold you to the words you are writing. You blamed Bush for the balanced budget disappearing. I don't know if you are capable of holding a memory that happen yesterday. You have forgotten that Bush was a war President, two wars in his term; Katrina & Rita, three major hurricanes that destroyed Florida and the gulf coast, Annual fires ravaging California that dependent on Bush to declare those as disaster areas too. Then the Democrats protest any move by the Republican to reform the Fannie Mae and Freddi Mac because of policy created by Democrats on home buyers that had no income. Greenlining was opposed by Democrats. Bush fought the good wars, maintained the economy until Obama and his handlers created a hoax about worst economy, and unemployment in 5%. People like you believed his lies, about high debts in $500 billion and worst unemployment and depression since 1932!   In less than a year Obama committed $3 trillion debts, before his term is over projected to $27 trillion, ...

Obama who quickly is destroying America

I can clearly see you are smart and alert socialist liberal. Your transparency is what Obama should have done based on his campaign promises. His fundamental change is very complete and thorough, after all the bailouts, cap & trade and Obamacare, while dubbing on clunkers on one hand and junketing the world over to apologize and bow to king and despot; the result is new America.   We are now weak in military, sale out on manufacturing, good job is now out of American soil. Jobless rate his the highest in 50 years, spending borrowed money five times more than the last four Presidents combined. He stole the future of our children, paid the ACLU, SEIU, Acorn and the communist party of America who sent him to the White House.   Now he buys the vote of Congressmen and Senators to agree to his Taxing program promoted as Health reform. Your anointed one is a complete failure, nothing in his travel bring any good, but carbon foot prints in his face like the barren landscape of Kenya. Bes...

Obama's belief is he alone, not Congress, nor Senate has the power

The power grabs, the excesses and abuse of Barack Hussein Obama and his communist recruits has no bound, promoting an insidious belief that Obama is the anointed one. Obama's  belief is he alone, not Congress, nor Senate has the power to bind this Country, the USA, to whatever grand hallucinating idea, oozing from the chips of his skeleton, he can read from teleprompters. This narcissistic arrogant, naive, ignorant does not have idea how to even run a candy store, yet this joy riding misfit thinks not only can he govern the country but also the whole world!

Maguindanao Massacre and Martial Law in Mindanao Philippines

By Boy Guingguing Sunday Post This BGlante is adding his hoarse voice in this wilderness that has become the talk of the town. Though we are thousands of miles away from where the action is, we feel that as a law abiding Filipino citizen, we should not keep our mouth shut, just because we are far from the maddening crowd.     What happened in Maguindanao and the subsequent declaration of martial law in the area is everybody's concern. Our concern though we are so far away from a war-torn province, was premised on our heightened fears that sooner or later the Maguindanao incident may be used as a stepping board to a wider military rule.     While we  do not wish to sound alarmist, we cannot help but quiver at the thought that this present government is resorting to such extreme measure as martial law because that's an attractive  option to stay in power beyond its term limit.     All indications point that this government is using all the tricks in the books t...

Smallclic Affiliate Program

You have just been accepted onto our affiliate program, which is one of the most profitable programs in Europe. As an affiliate there are major advantages working on our program; such as premium membership available for consumers and in addition to your standard remuneration Smallclic allows you to receive a LIFETIME income from your affiliation ! We look forward to working closely with you and having a prosperous affiliate relationship. Smallclic Team

Boxing Secret of Manny Pacquiao

Where does the Pacman draw his extraordinary strength and speed? The myth surrounding boxing icon Manny Pacquiao has become legendary. After his glorious boxing years, people following the sport would likely say he belongs to the best of the best among many athletes installed in the Hall of Fame. The Filipino icon is set to grab today in Las Vegas, USA his seventh world title in seven different weight classes, a feat that will secure his name in the history of boxing. Among predictions, a win over Puerto Rico's Miguel Cotto will be via knockout. Accounts have it that before Pacquiao climbs the ring , he says a shaman's prayer which draws his deepest power and stamina. We only see Pacquiao hold a rosary in his hands when he climbs the ring which may be the reason why boxing fanatics think of talismans or amulets instead of a disciplined boxer and his fervent belief in his Creator. After Pacquiao defeated boxing greats whom he stripped of their crowns, people tried to expla...

Fast Website Speed Affects Google Search Ranking

Over the course of 2009, a consistent theme that Google has been involved with is that of speed. In announcement after announcement, Google has talked about the importance of speed on the web, and how the company wants to do everything it can to make the web a faster place. Has it occurred to you that how fast your page loads may have a direct effect on how your site ranks in Google?  Don't worry, it hasn't had an impact...yet. In an interview with WebProNews , Google's Matt Cutts told us that speed may soon be a ranking factor.  "Historically, we haven't had to use it in our search rankings, but a lot of people within Google think that the web should be fast," says Cutts. "It should be a good experience, and so it's sort of fair to say that if you're a fast site, maybe you should get a little bit of a bonus. If you really have an awfully slow site, then maybe users don't want that as much." "I think a lot of people in 2010 are g...

How To Solve World Hunger

Almost 11 million children die before their fifth birthday each year. Malnutrition and hunger-related diseases cause 60 percent of these deaths. A young boy named Agiskhan in Myanmar was at risk of becoming part of this statistic, often crying to his mother, Hasina: "Mother, I am very hungry now and my younger sisters are crying — we haven't eaten anything since last night." Children like Agiskhan should never have to wonder where their next meal is coming from. We need your help today to fight hunger. CARE's response to hunger is more than providing emergency food. We combine immediate aid to those in dire need — as we did for survivors of three natural disasters in September — with long-term strategies that help communities create lasting solutions to the challenges they face. In the case of Agiskhan, CARE helped his mother gain access to tools and training that she used to cultivate a thriving garden. She is able to provide for her family's well-being ...

MBA Australia World Tour in Bangkok, Thailand

You are invited to meet with our Melbourne Business School representatives during the QS World MBA Tour in Bangkok .  Details of the event are included below.  For over 40 years, Melbourne Business School has been inspiring students to achieve business and academic excellence. Our programs foster the highest levels of leadership, provides students with the skills required to shape the future, and address the critical issues faced by managers in workplaces today. The Financial Times and the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) acknowledges MBS for our outstanding quality, international student body and superier career placement program, consistently ranking our program amongst the best in the world.  The recent release of The EIU's rankings of MBA programs placed the MBS MBA as number 1 in Australia and 26 in the world! If you are interested in exploring more about our prestigious postgraduate programs, and talking with Rocio Karibian...

Brand Marketing: Digital Strategy to Win Customers

by Bob Gilbreath "Four years ago I grew frustrated with the lack of brand investment in digital marketing and set out to understand the fundamental reasons why this promising new space was still only attracting a small sliver of marketers' multi-million -dollar budgets. [...] I set out to discover an alternative path, starting with the handful of our clients that had put digital in the forefront of their strategy , and then broadening my vision to companies that seemed to be enjoying success with a completely different course [...] This manifesto brings my search full circle, providing a supplement to The Next Evolution of Marketing that specifically focuses on how brand managers must reset their digital strategy to win customers in this new space."

Who is R. Emory Lundberg

R. Emory Lundberg lives in Providence, Rhode Island, with his wife, Elizabeth, and a chubby calico cat named Echo(1). By day, he applies ninja tactics to errant packets for VeriSign's excellent Managed Security Services team, and by night, he writes about mobile technology and tinkers with gadgets. He will one day be survived by his motor scooters and an exquisite collection of mobile phones.

About Jason Lam, Who is Jason Lam

Jason Lam is a wireless and open source developer enthusiast who enjoys creating synergy and sharing knowledge in the software development world. As senior wireless developer at QuoteMedia Inc ( ) he leads the development of Quotestream Wireless, a financial wireless streaming application. In his spare time, he contributes to open source projects and online tutorials/articles. One of his significant contributions is his open source book J2ME & Gaming , ( ). To learn more about him, visit his personal site at .

Who is Shari Kornberg

Shari Kornberg is a software engineer at AT&T, responsible for engineering and support of the Exchange email (50,000 users) and Black-Berry platforms. She designed, architected, and implemented AT&T's BlackBerry infrastructure. Shari was also the technical lead for the recent migration effort to Exchange 2003. Shari began her IT career at AT&T over 25 years ago and has a BA in computer science from Queens College, City University of New York. In her spare time, she enjoys music, theater, travel, and spending time with her three sons, Jeffrey, Alex, and David.

About Brian Jepson

Brian Jepson is an O'Reilly editor, programmer, and coauthor of Mac OS X Tiger for Unix Geeks and Linux Unwired . He's also a volunteer systems administrator and all-around geek for AS220 ( ), a nonprofit arts center in Providence, Rhode Island. AS220 gives Rhode Island artists uncensored and unjuried forums for their work. These forums include galleries, performance space, and publications. Brian sees to it that technology, especially free software, supports that mission.

Jeff Greenhut, About Jeff Greenhut

Jeff Greenhut is founder and president of somedevelopers inc. ( ), a provider of mobile applications for the BlackBerry. After graduating from the State University of New York at Binghamton with a National Merit Scholarship, Jeff has built flight simulators, storage solutions, and accounting software. When not working with computers, Jeff can typically be found working with computers, playing ice hockey, or floating on the lake with BlackBerry in hand. Jeff is married, has two young girls, and lives in the Atlanta, Georgia area.

Paul Dumais, Who is Paul Dumais

Paul Dumais is currently vice president of product development at Idokorro Mobile, the leader in mobile network administration software. Paul is the creative and technical force behind Idokorro's products, Mobile Admin and Mobile SSH. Prior to Idokorro, Paul created a world-class bug tracking software that was acquired by MKS Inc and branded Change Integrity. Paul has also held positions as a Java developer at Sun and Corel.

Who is Phil Bogle, About Phil Bogle

By day, Phil Bogle is cofounder and chief technology officer of Jobster ( ), a web service that helps companies target and connect with passive jobseekers, while enabling the best candidates to stand out from the pack and get noticed. By night, Phil is a gentleman coder and author of several free BlackBerry applications, including Berry 411 local search. He has a weblog at .

Who is Dave Mabe, About Dave Mabe, Author and Blackberry User

Dave Mabe ( ) is an accomplished and largely self-taught engineer and now a writer who strives to create a simple, elegant solution to a complex problem. Dave has worked at AT&T in the communications industry for eight years and has worked with BlackBerry devices for almost five. Always looking to save a few keystrokes and mouse clicks, Dave has automated countless business processes for Fortune 500 companies. He is the kind of person who would rather spend several hours inventing an automated solution than spend a few monotonous moments each day performing a menial task. He fancies himself a proficient Perl programmer and would love to see Perl running on a BlackBerry one day. Dave enjoys tinkering with the latest gadgets and software, both closed and open source. He has authored and contributed to several technology-related publications. When not working on computer-oriented stuff, you're likely to see Dave running on the roads and trails (mostly...

Behavioral Targetting of Consumers in Online Advertising

By Daniel Silva Agence France-Presse Campaigners are stepping up efforts to curb online tracking of Internet use by firms that deliver adverts tailored to the specific interests of consumers, as polls reveal widespread unease with the practice. Corporations have always collected personal data on the people who buy their products but in the past this information came from sources such as magazine subscriptions and warranty cards, experts at a three-day privacy conference that wrapped up Friday in Madrid said. Now it is flowing at breakneck speed into databases from multiple online sources , from dating services to newspaper websites, giving companies the unprecedented power to create detailed profiles of their customers, in many cases without their being aware of it, they added. "There are so many grey areas in advertising that if the end user knew about it all, it would make their hair grey," said Jorg Polakiewicz, the head of the law reform department at the Council of ...

A Bad Business Idea, Venture?

By Kelly K. Spors and Kevin Salwen With roughly 6.7 million jobs lost since the start of the recession, it's tempting - and often a great idea - to launch your own business. That way, of course, you can take matters into your own hands. No more rolling your eyes at the boss; it's your show. But many people do a lousy job of picking businesses they can realistically turn into a profitable operation. "There's this very sad pattern about how people start businesses," says Scott Shane, an entrepreneurship professor at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. "People are most likely to start businesses in industries where start-ups are most likely to fail." The problem: Many would-be entrepreneurs are drawn to businesses they like to patronize or the ones that are cheapest and easiest to start. Instead, experts argue, aspiring entrepreneurs should create firms in which they have professional experience so they have a competitive advantage in the ...

Livejournal Photo of the Week Contest

If you haven't visited our new LiveJournal photo community , you're in for an amazing visual trip. LiveJournal users from around the world will take you on a scenic journey to everywhere. Post your own pictures or kick back and enjoy at [info]lj_photophile. You can view some of this week's awesome photos after the jump. Please start tagging with geographic location , since we'd like to track all the places around the world represented in this community. Keep on commenting too! - from Livejournal Team

Make Money with TiVo

This month and next TiVo offers affiliates a chance to take part in two promotions designed to put more money in your pockets and reward the highest performers during the busiest shopping season. Stay tuned over the next few weeks for great news for your shoppers for the holiday season.  Please also note that the 3 months free service promotion has ended. First, for all affiliates on the base TiVo DVR commission , we are offering the opportunity to receive increased commissions on factory-renewed DVR sales from 11/06 to 11/20.  Factory-renewed TiVo DVRs are an exclusive to and offer valuable savings along with the TiVo warranty .  For those two weeks you can receive the increases below to be bonused into your account after cancellation period expiration. 

Importance of Changing Name

An email sent from a friend... I believe you're doing well by the grace of our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ J For those in Philippines , India & Vietnam, my prayers are with you that God will protect you from all harm and keep you safe under His loving care. Many have asked me regarding the change in name from Toto to PEARL, well I just want to share with you the reason. Often we see in the Bible that a change of name denotes a new relationship with God, in (Genesis  17:5, 15) God changed Abram's name to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, (Genesis 32:28) Jacob to Israel, and in the New Testament, like (John 1:40) Simon to Peter and also Saul to Paul and they did have a strong new character turn around, that's what I long for, God's transformation Power more and more in my life! Well, I have made a commitment to God to be what HE wants me to be and prayed for over a year for a new name that would make me know and understand my relationship with Him, I received the name PEARL ...

Trust God All The Time

Just always ask God to give what you Deserve, not what you desire.. It because, your Desires may be few, But you deserve a lot!  Never stop praying Never cease trusting, Never quit loving, Trust God's plan, Trust God's wisdom, Trust God's timing, Trust God's for everything.

What Is A Good Life?

By Romy Teruel Sunday Post Columnist Indicators of good life ahead   Good things are happening in the political arena and the civil service. If this continues, there is nothing for the country to go but better life ahead for its people.  The change of heart of Senator Mar Roxas is definitely a shift towards a higher plane in the political arena.  I never thought I would see a present day politician in the Philippines sublimate his/her own personal and political interest for the interest of the political party and the people.  Mar Roxas has sacrificed his own personal interest by getting out of the race track in favor of Senator Noynoy Aquino. He proved there are still statesmen today because only statesmen do that sort of thing.  It's definitely good for Philippine politics and for the country.  Mar's critics are saying he did not do that for higher values or causes.  He did it because he was at the tail end of the poll for Presidentiables.  Everybody knows that Senator Roxa...

Diocesan Summit in Bohol Island

The Diocesan Summit for Life is set on Aug. 29, 2009 at Bohol Wisdom Gym at 8 o'clock in the morning. The summit bears the theme, "Youth Call: Upholding the Sanctity of Life".   Joining the activity are the Campus Ministry-Student Catholic Action (CM-SCA), Parish Youth Ministry (PYM), Mandated Private Youth Organizations (MPYO) of the Diocese of Tagbilaran. Youth sector is enjoined to be part of the event. Expected to be tackled during the summit are inputs on life and ways to preserve the sacredness of one's self as temple God. Spearheading the activity is Rev. Joel S. Aquino, the Diocesan Youth Director. With him are Sr. Josephine Obenieta, UMSH, Florabel Labor and with the youth volunteers. (Scan Charmie Dalumbar)

Cory Aquino Saint of Democracy according to Time Magazine

By Romy Teruel For the third time Cory is on the cover page of Time Magazine aptly labelled as the Saint of Democracy .  Nobody has ever been honoured this much in recent history, not even the fierce advocates of democracy in years past.  For this Time Magazine has helped immortalized Cory.    It is a sad thing thoughr that one week after awakening again to the true essence of democracy that her interment had made on every Filipino , fighting had to erupt again in Basilan. AFP soldiers and the Abu Sayyaf engaged each other in a bloody battle that resulted to the death of 23 soldiers and 21 Abu Sayyaf.  Another 23 soldiers were wounded and are now recuperating in the hospital in Zamboanga City.   That bloody encounter in Basilan in the heels of Cory's burial is a clear signal of the extent at which democracy must still claim lives before it can flourish.  How many more lives must be sacrificed in the altar of democracy that we all dream of?  Unless the problem of peace and ord...

American-Philippine Friendship Day Celebration July 4

     There has been so much debate about celebrating Filipino-American Friendship Day that has taken the luster about the occasion.       Few Americans care about this for the simple reason that the Fourth of July happens to Independence Day in their home turf. With the number of Filipinos actually celebrating it dwindling with each passing year, it won't be far-fetched when the time comes when the event gets scrapped altogether.       It sure is a confusing moment for Filipinos. The radicals treat Americans with scorn (their policy makers actually) so such a celebration is like pouring gasoline on fire.       Meanwhile, more and more Filipinos (not just Filipinos actually) look up to the American Dream as a one-way ticket out of their financial difficulties. And so unlike those who abhor anything American, they embrace the belief that the only way out for the Philippines is to become a state of the United States.       Still, one cannot help but reflect about friendship, or wh...

Simplicity and Spiritual Childhood

By Fr. Roy Cimagala If we are interested in keeping our humanity, or at least our sanity, it may be good to be reminded about the need for us to develop, keep and strengthen our simplicity and spiritual childhood . This integral part of Christian asceticism should not be forgotten as we progress. With our neck-breaking pace of development, with its unavoidable dust cloud of complications, we need to realize more deeply that the way to go is not by being quixotic, tilting at windmills and grappling with phantoms, but by being simple . The temptation to be quixotic can be strong, since we always feel we can handle things by ourselves. Our sense of freedom and responsibility often blind us to the basic truth that we need to be grounded on God always to be able to live properly, let alone, do things rightly. This quixotic attitude can lead us to that situation of self-righteousness, denounced by Christ himself when he told some of the people's leaders that "they have eyes, but ...

Manny Pacquiao on Politics and Political Dreams

Politician can be such a confusing word. At one time it was considered an honor to be called a politician. Even if that was when the names Washington and Jefferson were in office. But somewhere along the line it became a word more closely associated with corruption. The greedy became greedier and the corrupt became downright felonious. Call me a liar, a thief and a crook and I'll tell you that you must have me confused with a politician. Sometimes a fresh faced individual believes he or she can make a difference. They enter into the political world with nothing but the best intentions. They promise their backers that they won fall into the same old traps and get caught up in the shenanigans that dirty the political world. At least that is how they feel at the time. But it is different when you step into the dark, stank room. You have to check your innocence and naivete at the door. You find that the only way to get things accomplished is to play the very game you despise. Even t...

How to Maintain Good Posture

SOME people walk gracefully while others slump.      You know something is wrong.When you  see a frumpy figure gazing  back at you in the mirror.     Good posture can change all   that. A woman striding confidently into a room with her shoulders  straight  and head held high has the ability to break hearts. A man standing straight-backed, with just the right tilt to his square chin, will stand out from the rest of the slumped party-goers.     Good posture is easy to attain.   The steps to proper posture are simple, and they begin with the stomach. The belly button should be pulled back into the spine,  sucked up into the lungs. The ribs, in turn, should be held lightly under a buoyant chest and shoulders that are back and relaxed. The collarbones should be down, while the chin is slightly lifted, creating long, swan-like neck.     The  feeling is of being pulled upward from a string attached to the top of your head, with the entire spine stretched and extended. And on top of this b...

Global Hunger: 1 Billion People Hungry

By Bingo Dejaresco III It is not our imagination, folks. It is the United Nation's Food Council who drew the number. There are one billion hungry men in Planet Earth today. One of six earthlings suffer from malnutrition today. Last year in 2008, there were only 915 million recorded hungry earthlings then. War and political instability, drought and food crisis had brought this tragedy to us. When food production stabilized late last year, the global financial crisis however, in turn, lowered income levels and prejudiced access of men to food instead. This, aside from the fact, that food prices in the world had really effectively increased by 24%, a hot ratio, from 2006 to 2008. Malnutrition means a person receives less than 1,800 calories a day. This depravity, according to the UN, caused food riots in 30 countries recently. Malnutrition leads to slow death in that it weakens the immune system against battling germs that cause sickness and diseases. Malnutrition kills man softly....

Tagbilaran Mayor Accused of Being Corrupt

"My critics are seeing ghosts where there are  none." Thus declared City Mayor Dan Neri Lim in reaction to a paid advertisement sent by the group of lawyer Victor de la Serna casting aspersions to a supplemental budget he submitted to the Sangguniang Panglungsud in its session last Friday. Drawing analogy of his detractors  seeing ghosts although there were none, Lim said his critics should be sure  of their facts before engaging in vilification of  their enemy. The budget that amounted to P 40.7 million was sent for SP approval without discussion and support document or S.O.D., this according to the topnotch lawyer. Belying  de la Serna's allegations saying that he was out of touch of legislative processes, Mayor Lim said that the amount requested will pass scrutiny of the proper SP committee. The body where the request will undergo a thorough scrutiny is the committee on appropriation.  According to Mayor Lim, from the proper committee,  it will then be submitted to ...

People who grumble and complain are the ones who are left behind

By Sunday Post          Do not be distracted by negative people.      This was the message of Tagbilaran Mayor Dan Lim as the city approaches the observance of its 43rd year as a Charter City.      "People who grumble and complain are the ones who are left behind," Lim said yesterday.      The mayor issued the statement as he acknowledged that the bad publicity against him will intensify with the elections barely 11 months away.      "If you think you have heard every trash spoken against me, it is nothing to what my political opponents will throw at me in the next few months," he added.      Lim said that there are people who will do anything just to remove him from office and they will resort to anything, "through fair means or foul" just to do it.      "Of course, I will not take it sitting down," he warned.      The mayor said that if his critics want a fight, they have it.      He said he lamented the fact that the city and the people are...

Countering Desensitizing Trend

By Roy Cimagala I suppose everyone is familiar with this phenomenon. In the face of something new, our immediate reaction hovers first in the level of our senses and emotions. Then it goes to our intelligence. Only with some conscious effort can we start reacting in a spiritual and theological way . We need to give more thought to this event so we can have a more appropriate response to it, especially when it involves something important in our life. We have to learn how to relate things to God, and to avoid getting stuck in the purely human and natural level. Very often, what we see are people materially aroused or enriched but spiritually made numb as they make the quest for progress and development. We should not be surprised by this turn of events. That's just how our earthly affairs are. But neither should just stand by, doing nothing about it. We need to handle things in a manner truly commensurate to our real dignity.  We are not only persons, already a big thing. We are ...

JL Carbonfree Energy Co., Ltd

Dear Sir/Madam :   We have obtained address from Internet that you are in the market for wind turbines. We are specialized in manufacturing all kinds of wind turbines, blades and generators. Welcome to visit our website which includes our company profiles, history and more products. We are a professional manufacture of wind turbines, so we are confident that we can satisfy you with good quality and best price. Please send us more details and specifications about your order; we will be happy to give you details. We are looking forward to your specific inquiries.     JL CarbonFree Energy Co., Ltd Address: Room 1504, Unit 2, No.4416 Jiefang Road , Chaoyang District, Changchun , JiLin , China Skype: carbonfree988               ...

Panglao Island Environmental Problems

By Romy Teruel One environmental and tourism issue that will keep on cropping up unless decisive actions are done is the issue of easement along beaches as prescribed by the Water Code of the Philippines.  This has cropped up before and now it is here again.    The conference that Gov. Erico B. Aumentado held with the hotel and resort owners of Panglao and Dauis last Friday is an example of laws wanting in implementation. While the laws are clear and guidelines are prescribed, willing compliance has remained a problem.  The Water Code of the Philippines prescribes a 20-meter easement from the high water mark on the beach towards inland where no permanent structure can be constructed whatsoever.  We need not send experts however to know that compliance is more in the breach than observance.  This prompts observers to ask "What happened to Bohol's thrust on eco-tourism and environmental conservation and protection?"  And this is usually followed by "They are killing...