I hold you to the words you are writing. You blamed Bush for the balanced budget disappearing. I don't know if you are capable of holding a memory that happen yesterday. You have forgotten that Bush was a war President, two wars in his term; Katrina & Rita, three major hurricanes that destroyed Florida and the gulf coast, Annual fires ravaging California that dependent on Bush to declare those as disaster areas too. Then the Democrats protest any move by the Republican to reform the Fannie Mae and Freddi Mac because of policy created by Democrats on home buyers that had no income. Greenlining was opposed by Democrats. Bush fought the good wars, maintained the economy until Obama and his handlers created a hoax about worst economy, and unemployment in 5%. People like you believed his lies, about high debts in $500 billion and worst unemployment and depression since 1932! In less than a year Obama committed $3 trillion debts, before his term is over projected to $27 trillion, ...
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