Better chances of achieving a cure for the deadly Hepatitis C brings patients high on hopes as a breakthrough triple therapy treatment is now being offered in the country. With the arrival of boceprevir, Hepatatis C patients, especially those who are genotype 1 will have an increase in their response rates. The standard treatment for the disease is composed of a combination of an injectable drug that enhances an adaptive immune response called peg-interferon and an oral drug that attacks the Hepatitis C virus in the body called ribavirin. For naïve patients (those undergoing treatment for the first time), the triple therapy almost doubles the chance of achieving virologic cure rates (or sustained virologic response (SVR), based on results of a clinical trial. According to UST Hospital-based gastroenterologist, Dr. Joey Sollano, these new combinations give the patient the capacity to shorten treatment. "When they (the patients) have been treated for a year in the past, th...
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