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Showing posts from November 1, 2009

A Bad Business Idea, Venture?

By Kelly K. Spors and Kevin Salwen With roughly 6.7 million jobs lost since the start of the recession, it's tempting - and often a great idea - to launch your own business. That way, of course, you can take matters into your own hands. No more rolling your eyes at the boss; it's your show. But many people do a lousy job of picking businesses they can realistically turn into a profitable operation. "There's this very sad pattern about how people start businesses," says Scott Shane, an entrepreneurship professor at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. "People are most likely to start businesses in industries where start-ups are most likely to fail." The problem: Many would-be entrepreneurs are drawn to businesses they like to patronize or the ones that are cheapest and easiest to start. Instead, experts argue, aspiring entrepreneurs should create firms in which they have professional experience so they have a competitive advantage in the ...

Livejournal Photo of the Week Contest

If you haven't visited our new LiveJournal photo community , you're in for an amazing visual trip. LiveJournal users from around the world will take you on a scenic journey to everywhere. Post your own pictures or kick back and enjoy at [info]lj_photophile. You can view some of this week's awesome photos after the jump. Please start tagging with geographic location , since we'd like to track all the places around the world represented in this community. Keep on commenting too! - from Livejournal Team

Make Money with TiVo

This month and next TiVo offers affiliates a chance to take part in two promotions designed to put more money in your pockets and reward the highest performers during the busiest shopping season. Stay tuned over the next few weeks for great news for your shoppers for the holiday season.  Please also note that the 3 months free service promotion has ended. First, for all affiliates on the base TiVo DVR commission , we are offering the opportunity to receive increased commissions on factory-renewed DVR sales from 11/06 to 11/20.  Factory-renewed TiVo DVRs are an exclusive to and offer valuable savings along with the TiVo warranty .  For those two weeks you can receive the increases below to be bonused into your account after cancellation period expiration.