By Bingo Dejaresco III It is not our imagination, folks. It is the United Nation's Food Council who drew the number. There are one billion hungry men in Planet Earth today. One of six earthlings suffer from malnutrition today. Last year in 2008, there were only 915 million recorded hungry earthlings then. War and political instability, drought and food crisis had brought this tragedy to us. When food production stabilized late last year, the global financial crisis however, in turn, lowered income levels and prejudiced access of men to food instead. This, aside from the fact, that food prices in the world had really effectively increased by 24%, a hot ratio, from 2006 to 2008. Malnutrition means a person receives less than 1,800 calories a day. This depravity, according to the UN, caused food riots in 30 countries recently. Malnutrition leads to slow death in that it weakens the immune system against battling germs that cause sickness and diseases. Malnutrition kills man softly....
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