No, I'm not talking about THAT kind of hooking up…this is a business article, for goodness sakes! I'm talking about building mutually beneficial relationships with other online business owners . That's the kind of hooking up that will propel your business to long-term success. Many people get online and think that the more people they meet online, the bigger customer base they can get. To some degree that is true, but in this marketing mama's humble opinion, it's not where you should focus your efforts. Nearly, four years ago, I started my online business . I was just a mom who desperately didn't want to return to work after maternity leave. I had NO CLUE what I was doing. None at all, but one thing I did do is meet people, but I didn't try to make these people my customers. What, you may ask? Didn't I want to get any customers? Sure I did, but I realized something much more valuable. The other online business owners that I met online weren't nece...
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