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Showing posts from January 24, 2010

Ministerial Preparatory Conference of the Group of Friends of Haiti

Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Lawrence Cannon announced on Sunday that a Ministerial Preparatory Conference of the Group of Friends of Haiti , major donors and regional and multilateral partners will be held on Monday in Montreal.  Cannon told a news briefing in Ottawa that the conference will focus on an overview of what's happening on the ground and the "critical first steps" in rebuilding the earthquake-ravaged country in the long term.  Cannon, who will chair the meeting, said that a larger donor coordination conference on reconstruction is expected to take place in the coming months.  Canada is committed to working with the international community to establish a clear and common vision for the early recovery and longer-term reconstruction of Haiti, he said. "This meeting will be the first step in reaching that goal."  Haiti's Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive, who was expected to arrive in Ottawa on Sunday afternoon, has expressed his support ...

Nitrogen: most important nutrient of all

By Eric Lyne GOOD Morning friends and neighbors. There is one thing believers in Jesus should be known for, that is love. The words love appears in scripture more than 500 times. The essence of the gospel is love-for God so loved the word he gave us his only begotten son-Jesus Christ.  Christians are to serve one another in love, love their neighbors as themselves, live a life of love and love with actions and in truth. So, If Jesus and his followers are all about love, why do some people love to hate us? Why are there then as estimated 200 million persecuted believers in the world today. Jesus told us why, he said "everyone practicing evil hates the light and stays away from the light lest his deeds should be exposed." When Jesus walked this earth people hated him because he exposed the darkness of their sins. How about you friends – do you walk in the light. I hope so. Lets pause for a moment. Some will hate you, some will love you some will flatters, some will slight, cea...

How to Be Happy Always

A 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud man, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with his hair fashionably combed and shaved perfectly, even though he is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today.  His wife of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, he smiled sweetly when told his room was ready.  As he maneuvered his walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of his tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on his window. "I love it," he stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy.  "Mr. Jones, you haven't seen the room, just wait." "That doesn't have anything to do with it," he replied.  Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged. It's how I arrange my mind. ...

Impending retirement of incumbent Chief Justice Reynato Puno

      One issue that threatens to explode into a full-scale controversy is the appointment of the next Supreme Court chief justice with the impending retirement of incumbent Chief Justice Reynato Puno.       There are those who oppose the move of MalacaƱang to make the appointment given that the next president will assume office on July 1. As always, the Palace and its sycophants are hell-bent on doing just that.       Like most controversies, each side has his own argument going for it. Those who toe MalacaƱang's line say, among other things, that it is not good for the position to be left vacant.       The logic seems right at first glance but we cannot resist the temptation to ask what the urgency is for given that there is greater danger in having an appointee of Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo securely in place as Chief Justice with the expected torrent of cases against her as soon as she leaves office.       Those who oppose the move point out that there have been legal pre...