Malaysia is set to host the Global Muslim Conference On Unity And Economy (GMC 2013), a gathering of global experts, investors, bankers, educationalists, scientists and others, to boost Islamic economy. Organised by The Malay Chamber of Commerce Malaysia (DPMM), the two-day event will be held in Kuala Lumpur, beginning March 4. DPMM President Datuk Syed Ali Alattas said GMC 2013 would be a platform to discuss related issues on Muslim economy and exposing business opportunity that are available for business matching. "We hope this conference will help to increase Malaysia's trade to other Muslim countries," he told reporters after launch the GMC 2013 here Thursday. According to Syed Ali, 20 per cent of Malaysia's total trade currently is to Muslim countries all over the world, excluding Asean. He also noted that the reconstruction activities in Egypt, Yemen and Iraq would be the strongest sectors to benefit from the event. Themed "Empowering Muslim Eco...
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