Budget (2006). Revenue: NT$2,172,436,000,000
(tax revenue 71.7%; income from public enterprises
14.3%). Expenditures: NT$2,261,958,000,000 (ed-
ucation, science, and culture 21.6%; economic de-
velopment 17.0%; general administration 15.3%;
social welfare 13.6%; defense 10.5%). Population
economically active (2006): total 10,522,000; ac-
tivity rate of total population 46.3% (participation
rates: ages 15–64, 57.9%; female 42.4%; unem-
ployed [2007] 3.9%). Production (metric tons ex-
cept as noted). Agriculture and fishing (2007): rice
1,363,458, pineapples 476,811, bamboo shoots
291,709, betel nuts 134,497, tea 17,502; live-
stock (number of live animals; 2006) 7,068,621
pigs, 134,793 cattle; fisheries production 1,498,-
197 (from aquaculture 22%). Mining and quarrying
(2006): marble 25,493,000. Manufacturing (value
added in NT$'000,000,000; 2006): electronic parts
and components 610; base metals 288; base
chemicals 230; refined petroleum products and
coal products 206; computers, telecommunications,
video electronics 191; nonelectrical machinery and
apparatus 164. Energy production (consumption):
electricity (kW-hr; 2005) 210,300,000,000
(201,580,000,000); coal (metric tons; 2006) none
(66,000,000); crude petroleum (barrels; 2007)
292,000 ([2006] 347,000,000); natural gas (cu m;
2007) 396,000,000 (11,298,000,000). Gross na-
tional income (2007): US$393,200,000,000
(US$17,169 per capita). Selected balance of pay-
ments data. Receipts from (US$'000,000): tourism
(2006) 5,136; remittances (2006) 355; foreign di-
rect investment (FDI) (2004–06 avg.) 3,649. Dis-
bursements for (US$'000,000): tourism (2006)
8,746; remittances (2006) 1,370; FDI (2004–06
avg.) 6,857.