An email sent from a friend...
I believe you're doing well by the grace of our wonderful Lord Jesus Christ J For those in Philippines, India & Vietnam, my prayers are with you that God will protect you from all harm and keep you safe under His loving care.
Many have asked me regarding the change in name from Toto to PEARL, well I just want to share with you the reason. Often we see in the Bible that a change of name denotes a new relationship with God, in (Genesis 17:5, 15) God changed Abram's name to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, (Genesis 32:28) Jacob to Israel, and in the New Testament, like (John 1:40) Simon to Peter and also Saul to Paul and they did have a strong new character turn around, that's what I long for, God's transformation Power more and more in my life!
Well, I have made a commitment to God to be what HE wants me to be and prayed for over a year for a new name that would make me know and understand my relationship with Him, I received the name PEARL as a prophecy in our Church and it is one jewel that Jesus mentioned few times and now I understand that God loves me far beyond my human perspective and sees me precious even when I don't see myself worth anything at all and also God made me understand that a Pearl does not just appear but after long perseverance and time, it forms in an oyster, I then understood why God allowed me to face some painful or difficult situations in my life, so here it is, my answered prayer that will make me more intimate with my God and Savior J
It's o.k. even if some of you refer to the old name as you're not used to the new one. You're my friends still the same J have a blessed weekend.