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Showing posts from December 20, 2009

Obama is the richest man in the world

I hold you to the words you are writing. You blamed Bush for the balanced budget disappearing. I don't know if you are capable of holding a memory that happen yesterday. You have forgotten that Bush was a war President, two wars in his term; Katrina & Rita, three major hurricanes that destroyed Florida and the gulf coast, Annual fires ravaging California that dependent on Bush to declare those as disaster areas too. Then the Democrats protest any move by the Republican to reform the Fannie Mae and Freddi Mac because of policy created by Democrats on home buyers that had no income. Greenlining was opposed by Democrats. Bush fought the good wars, maintained the economy until Obama and his handlers created a hoax about worst economy, and unemployment in 5%. People like you believed his lies, about high debts in $500 billion and worst unemployment and depression since 1932!   In less than a year Obama committed $3 trillion debts, before his term is over projected to $27 trillion, ...

Obama who quickly is destroying America

I can clearly see you are smart and alert socialist liberal. Your transparency is what Obama should have done based on his campaign promises. His fundamental change is very complete and thorough, after all the bailouts, cap & trade and Obamacare, while dubbing on clunkers on one hand and junketing the world over to apologize and bow to king and despot; the result is new America.   We are now weak in military, sale out on manufacturing, good job is now out of American soil. Jobless rate his the highest in 50 years, spending borrowed money five times more than the last four Presidents combined. He stole the future of our children, paid the ACLU, SEIU, Acorn and the communist party of America who sent him to the White House.   Now he buys the vote of Congressmen and Senators to agree to his Taxing program promoted as Health reform. Your anointed one is a complete failure, nothing in his travel bring any good, but carbon foot prints in his face like the barren landscape of Kenya. Bes...

Obama's belief is he alone, not Congress, nor Senate has the power

The power grabs, the excesses and abuse of Barack Hussein Obama and his communist recruits has no bound, promoting an insidious belief that Obama is the anointed one. Obama's  belief is he alone, not Congress, nor Senate has the power to bind this Country, the USA, to whatever grand hallucinating idea, oozing from the chips of his skeleton, he can read from teleprompters. This narcissistic arrogant, naive, ignorant does not have idea how to even run a candy store, yet this joy riding misfit thinks not only can he govern the country but also the whole world!